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DüKa Czech

Stable straw mattresses and use of KSM kalk alk.

What kind of bedding?

Bed requirements resp. Bedding is well known. The bedding must be reasonably soft, hygienically sound and dry. A suitable alternative is the straw mattress, which is expanding in the Czech Republic. It is a technology widely used in Germany. The technological process of mattress production consists in mixing straw with KSM kalk alkalisch and water in a feed wagon in a ratio of 1: 5: 2 (straw: KSM kalk: water). After layering into lying boxes (depth 18 -20 cm) and subsequent compaction with a vibrating plate or roller, a stable hygienic straw mattress is created. These stable mattresses in the box bed last for several years and regularly once every 14 days it is supplied with a mixture in the ratio 1: 2-3: 2 (straw: KSM calc: water). The advantage of KSM calc is the ability to create a permanent environment with PH> 10 and thus actively acts to reduce germs. Thanks to the soft bedding, dairy cows do not have bruised ankles or hoof problems. It is also possible to use a mixture of separate with DEKAMIX® for subsequent dosing.

DüKa Czech

DEKAMIX® is a light gray powder, the main components of which are exclusively natural raw materials. It has strong alkaline effects and is able to bind moisture. It is characterized by a significant reducing effect on pathogens. Due to a significant sudden increase in the pH value of 11, the spectrum of pathogenic germs is reduced under the pressure of external conditions. It reliably acts on members of the genus Pseudomonas, Klebsiella, pathogens such as Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus uberis. Application doses of Dekamix also have an effect on reducing the incidence of mastitis in dairy cows, followed by a reduction in the number of somatic cells, and last but not least, they also have a positive effect on the health of the hooves.

Optimal pH - area for pathogenic germs

Staphylococcus aureus: pH 4.2 - 9.3
Pseudomonas spp .: pH 5.6 - 8.0
Escherichia coli .: pH 4.4 - 9.0
Campylobacter spp .: pH 4.9 - 9.0
Bacillus cereus: pH 5.0 - 8.8

DEKAMIX® and KSM calc. it can be applied to deep bedding, boxes, but also to mattresses. When using Dekamix, it is possible to litter even smaller amounts of material, both straw and separate. Increasing the dry matter of the litter after application and changing the pH reaction have a positive effect on reducing the occurrence of pathogenic germs and significantly reducing the possibility of their multiplication. This also reduces the infectious pressure in the stable.

Thanks to the longer interval, the need for bedding is reduced and the amount of work is reduced. Thanks to the extremely high proportion of fine particles in Dekamix (100% of the particles are smaller than 0.06 mm), the risk of possible stratification in the waste channel is also eliminated.

DEKAMIX® is also used as a spreading material in manure and feed passages. Its regular use clearly increases the purity of the animals, and last but not least, the purity of the udder and teats. The effect of Dekamix on the hooves in the form of a so-called dry bath is unique.

Thanks to these properties, the spectrum of pathogenic germs, which contribute to the possibility of all bacterial diseases, is demonstrably reduced. It is successfully used in stables with dairy cows, calves, bulls in the gut but also in stables with pigs and poultry. Its application to the litter in the stable significantly affects the welfare of the animals, reduces the humidity in the stable and thus contributes to improving the stable climate.

Recommended application

Grate housing 1-2 times a week 200-300 g / m2
Bedding 1-2 times a week for wet places 100 - 200g / m2
Deep bedding 1-2 times a week for humid places 300 - 500 g / m2

DüKa Czech

Validation of Dekamix

mammary gland pathogen detected
in the milk used to contaminate the separate

KTJ před

KTJ 6 hours after application
KTJ 12 hours after application
KTJ 24 hours after application
KTJ 48 hours after application
Streptococcus agalactiae
55 22 24 20 8

Staphylococcus aureus

228 133 56 56 40
Staphylococcus PK -
(delta hemolysin +)
2345 1500 1500 1500 1100
Staphylococcus PK-
(delta hemolysin -)
4050 3400 2200 2180 2260

Streptococcus dysgalactiae

89 38 12 14 8

Streptococcus uberis

88 43 24 4 0

Source: Veterinary Laboratory, VEDIA sro


Date: 11 Aug 2021 17:52:00

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