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Transport Solutions Fair - now as Transport a Logistika

EUROTRANS Interim Final Report
FERDUS supplies car mechanics with tire valves and heavy machinery alike
Czech company FERDUS supplies garage equipment for commercial and personal use. FERDUS directly produces or imports from the world full equipment for car and tyre service centres, ranging from repair inserts for the inner tubes, valves & weights to Italian and Chinese machines that can change a tire without the help of a mechanic.

Electric buses for cities compete with conventional buses
The idea of electric buses for public transport was the afternoon topic of the Mobility of the Future conference. Numerous case studies and practical tests in the Czech Republic and abroad clearly demonstrated that electric buses are already capable to compete with conventional buses in performance and endurance.

Door-to-door travel with just one ticket
One of major issues of the roundtables at the Mobility of the Future conference was the optimization of transport and greater involvement of modern technologies to improve infrastructure.

The main part of the EUROTRANS 2013 fair to be taken up by garage equipment exhibitors
The first edition of the transport fair EUROTRANS 2013 will be taking place alongside the International Engineering Fair, MSV, at the Brno Exhibition Centre in October. The EURORTRANS fair will last three days – from Tuesday 8th October to Thursday 10th October. The fair will take place in Hall G, outdoor space H and at railway yard at Hall A. This hall will also house the conference programme of the fair as this arrangement provides for a better liaison between the exhibition and the supporting programme. Nevertheless, the fair keeps being prepared as a stand-alone event and is expected to be held as such in the coming years.

The Mobility of the Future conference will be dedicated to discussions about current transport issues
The conference MOBILITY OF THE FUTURE will be the main supporting programme at the EUROTRANS fair. Just like the fair, it is a three-day event. The conference will cover current topics in the field of transport; its first part will be attended by the leading Czech experts on transport as members of the discussion forum EURO REGIONAL South Moravian Region.

Isuzu trucks at the trade fair EUROTRANS

A series of roundtables preceding the international transport fair EUROTRANS 2013
The MOBILITY OF THE FUTURE conference includes a series of roundtables organised by the Transport Research Centre in cooperation with BVV Trade Fairs Brno. The objective of this part of the conference is to get experts to discussion tables on topics listed below, define issues occurring in this field of transport and draw conclusions. The roundtables will take place during September in the head office of the Transport Research Centre in Líšeňská street, Brno.

Main part of the EUROTRANS 2013 to be Taken up by garage equipment Exhibitors
The first edition of the transport fair EUROTRANS 2013 will be taking place alongside the International Engineering Fair, MSV, at the Brno Exhibition Centre in October. The EURORTRANS fair will last three days – from Tuesday 8th October to Thursday 10th October.