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Service Delivery Forum International 2013
30 May 2013

Veletrhy Brno V areálu BVV Jednička v oboru v ČR Kongres

“Quality in IT Service Delivery”
The most respected practioners event

Event profile:

Best practices, frameworks, methods, such as ITIL®, COBIT®, ISO/IEC 20000, SFIA, Six SigmaTM are bringing new approaches to the definition of term „Quality of IT Services“, and in general, to the IT management.Traditional emphasis on modern technologies does not necessarily result into perception of IT as a supplier of a proper level of service to the user community. The respective views of IT professionals and business, i.e., users of services, are very different.The conference “Service Delivery Forum International” (SDFI 2013) is a continuation of the highly appreciated conference started in May 2012. Then, the main focus was on Service Desk as a place where user perception is formed in a high extent. Service Desk is of course important but on the same token, it is only one part of a whole group of service delivery processes.

SDFI is different from other conferences as it puts emphasis on practitioners’ world and reality and not on platonic declarations which everyone can easily find in a wide selection of books, articles, webinars and blogs. Our speakers are highly respected “practitioners delivering high quality IT services, mainly to the internal customer. There will be representation of practical approach to high quality IT services. This ascertained over different business segments –international corporations, medium size enterprises, public services, organizations where IT is driving the business as well as organizations where IT is understood as a mere support service to key business processes.You will have unique opportunity to meet in one day ten experts in their fields and share their experiences. As the key concept of the conference is experience sharing, no actual products or services will be presented.

The conference is aimed at senior level management who are in charge of IT (CEO, CFO), further at the IT directors and managers (CIO), service delivery and service level managers and at the IT operations management.

Brno – Exhibition center, Holiday Inn, http://www.hibrno.cz
Date and time:
30.5.2013, 9-17
Exhibition centre parking house, 100m from hotel.
Registration fee:
350 €, itSMF CZE members 200€
Target audience:

Top management, CEO, CFO, CIO, IT Manager, Service Delivery manager, Service Level Manager, IT Operations management.

Presentations will neither be printed, nor recorded, nor distributed by any means.

Expert guarantor

SDFI - Photo gallery

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