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Press Releases

Trade fairs are accessible without Covid pass

On February 9, the Czech government announced that people are no more obligated to prove their infectivity in restaurants, sports, events or other service establishments.

Trade fairs are accessible without Covid pass

The fairs SILVA REGINA and BIOMASA will be shortened by one day. The TECHAGRO fair shifted to April 2024

BVV Trade Fairs Brno have decided to shorten the SILVA REGINA and BIOMASA trade fairs. This decision has been made after thorough negotiations with professional partner associations and was based on a survey among exhibitors and visitors.

The fairs SILVA REGINA and BIOMASA will be shortened by one day. The TECHAGRO fair shifted to April 2024

MOTOSALON postponed to 2023. the 2022 season will start with MOTOWEEKEND

Unfortunately, MOTOSALON will not take place this year. However, the season will start with MOTOWEEKEND, which will welcome fans of motorcycles and accessories from 8 to 10 April 2022! MOTOSALON will be back in its traditional shape in 2023.

MOTOSALON postponed to 2023. the 2022 season will start with MOTOWEEKEND

Hygiene and safety rules for trade fairs and trade shows

Based on a government decree, it is not necessary to enter respiratory protection fairs from 14 March 2022. At the same time, there is no need to submit proof of infectivity.

Hygiene and safety rules for trade fairs and trade shows

Restart of the trade fairs in Brno Exhibition Center after an annual break

The increase in herd immunity in the Czech Republic and in Europe is a good signal for the restart of trade fair and congress events in the Brno Exhibition Center. “Trade fairs are a part of business life. If we want to be back in business as usual, we have to learn to live with certain measures for some time,” Mr. Jiří Kuliš, CEO of Brno Trade Fairs Co., comments with the clear ambition to resume exhibition activities.

Restart of the trade fairs in Brno Exhibition Center after an annual break

CIMT Beijing 2021 - demonstration of the exposition realization abroad under the baton of the covid-19 restriction

Will such a large event with around 200,000 people take place? Will companies be willing to overcome the organizational and operational limitations of covid-19? What will the fair look like when foreign participants have to go to the mandatory 21-day quarantine ?! And how do we actually do it under these conditions…?

CIMT Beijing 2021 - demonstration of the exposition realization abroad under the baton of the covid-19 restriction

Trade fairs remain important for business, say exhibitors

Upevnění kontaktů se stávajícími zákazníky, nové obchodní příležitosti a fyzická prezentace firmy a produktů. To jsou tři nejčastější důvody, proč se vystavovatelé účastní veletrhů. Vyplývá to z průzkumu, který realizovala společnost Veletrhy Brno v březnu 2021. Do průzkumu se zapojilo 768 vystavovatelských firem z České republiky, Slovenska a dalšího zahraničí. Cílem průzkumu bylo odpovědět na otázku, jaký potenciál budou mít veletrhy v postkovidové době.

Trade fairs remain important for business, say exhibitors
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