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-> 13.–17. 9. 2021

International Engineering Fair

BVV Trade Fairs Brno Event at Brno Exhibition Centre No. 1. in Central and Eastern Europe Trade Fair
MSV visual

Facts & Figures:

The International Engineering Fair is the most important industrial fair in Central Europe, exceeding 1 600 exhibitors and 80 000 visitors every year. More than 50% of the exhibitors and 16% of the visitors come from abroad.

The majority of visitors are professionals. Nearly 80% of those in attendance exert influence on business investment, and one third form part of the top management of their firms.

All key fields of machinery and electrical engineering industry are represented, with primary focus on machining and forming.


MSV’s spotlight is Industry 4.0 and Digital Factory, i.e. digitisation in production, one of the key trends of the innovation process. Other highlighted topics include the circular economy – management of material resources. This is a current trend which is a high-priority area of sustainable development as industry and trade adaptation will move forward in that direction.

Traditionally, MSV attracts significant media attention, with more than 260 journalists attending. One unique component of the fair is an accompanying programme that includes specialist conferences, as well as seminars and workshops on current technical, commercial and economic issues.

  • Full name: International Engineering Fair
  • Date: -> 13.–17. 9. 2021
  • Venue: Brno Exhibition Centre
  • Organizer: BVV Trade Fairs Brno
  • Position: No. 1. in Central and Eastern Europe

1.-5.10. 2018

International Engineering Fair

MSV Gold Medal 2018
Awarded exhibits

Zero emission excavator E19-0EE

Product: Zero emission excavator E19-0EE
Producer: Bosch Rexroth spol. s.r.o.
Exhibitor: Bosch Rexroth spol. s.r.o.
Location: Open area A

Zero emission excavator E19-0EE

KRAKEN – new generation of miling head

Product: KRAKEN – new generation of miling head
Producer: Regionální technologický institut
Exhibitor: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, Fakulta strojní - Regionální technologický institut
Location: Hall Z, No. st. 125

KRAKEN – new generation of miling head

Hybrid Pumping Sytem

Product: Hybrid Pumping Sytem
Producer: Vysoké učení technické v Brně
Exhibitor: Vysoké učení technické v Brně
Location: Hall Z, No. st. 124

Hybrid Pumping Sytem

Studio System

Product: Studio System
Producer: Desktop Metal Inc.
Exhibitor: MCAE Systems, s.r.o.
Location: Hall A1, No. st. 001

Studio System

Roller Burnishing Tool Superoll MAC

Product: Roller Burnishing Tool Superoll MAC
Producer: Sugino Machine Limited
Exhibitor: Sugino Machine Limited – Praha, odštěpný závod
Location: Hall P, No. st. 087A

Roller Burnishing Tool Superoll MAC


Product: Ready2_spray
Producer: KUKA AG
Exhibitor: KUKA CEE GmbH, odštěpný závod
Location: Hall G1, No. st. 036


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Highlights from companies MSV

GÜDEL a.s.

Pavilion V / 126


Pavilion G1 / 042

EXPLAST spol. s r.o.

Pavilion G1 / 071

Polska Agencja Inwestycji i Handlu S.A.

Pavilion V / 089


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