-> 13.–17. 9. 2021
International Engineering Fair

Facts & Figures:
International Engineering Fair is the most important industrial fair in Central
Europe, exceeding 1 600
exhibitors and 80 000 visitors every year. More than 50% of the exhibitors
and 16% of the visitors come from abroad.
The majority of visitors are professionals. Nearly 80% of those in attendance exert influence on business investment, and one third form part of the top management of their firms.
All key fields of machinery and electrical engineering industry are represented, with primary focus on machining and forming.
MSV’s spotlight is Industry 4.0 and Digital Factory, i.e. digitisation in production, one of the key trends of the innovation process. Other highlighted topics include the circular economy – management of material resources. This is a current trend which is a high-priority area of sustainable development as industry and trade adaptation will move forward in that direction.
Traditionally, MSV attracts significant media attention, with more than 260 journalists attending. One unique component of the fair is an accompanying programme that includes specialist conferences, as well as seminars and workshops on current technical, commercial and economic issues.
- Full name: International Engineering Fair
- Date: -> 13.–17. 9. 2021
- Venue: Brno Exhibition Centre
- Organizer: BVV Trade Fairs Brno
- Position: No. 1. in Central and Eastern Europe
1.-5.10. 2018
International Engineering Fair

MSV Gold Medal 2018
Entered exhibits
Zero emission excavator E19-0EE
Product: Zero emission excavator E19-0EE
Producer: Bosch Rexroth spol. s.r.o.
Exhibitor: Bosch Rexroth spol. s.r.o.
Location: Open area A

CCM Chain Condition Monitoring System
Product: CCM Chain Condition Monitoring System
Producer: iwis antriebssysteme GmbH & Co. KG
Exhibitor: iwis antriebssysteme GmbH & Co. KG
Location: Hall V, No. st. 139

Hydro Lubricants – Klüberplus C 2 series
Product: Hydro Lubricants – Klüberplus C 2 series
Producer: Klüber Lubrication München SE und Co. KG
Exhibitor: Klüber Lubrication CZ, s.r.o.
Location: Hall V, No. st. 119

High precision actuator DS 095
Product: High precision actuator DS 095
Producer: SPINEA, s.r.o. and SPINEA Technologies s.r.o.
Exhibitor: SPINEA, s.r.o.
Location: Hall A1, section B (SARIO)

KRAKEN – new generation of miling head
Product: KRAKEN – new generation of miling head
Producer: Regionální technologický institut
Exhibitor: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, Fakulta strojní - Regionální technologický institut
Location: Hall Z, No. st. 125

EMUGE Punch Tap – new technology helical thread-forming
Product: EMUGE Punch Tap – new technology helical thread-forming
Producer: EMUGE-Werk Richard Glimpel GmbH & Co. KG
Exhibitor: EMUGE-FRANKEN servisní centrum, s.r.o.
Location: Hall F, No. st. 059

IONSTAR – antistatic gun for prepartion of the painted surface
Product: IONSTAR – antistatic gun for prepartion of the painted surface
Producer: Herrmann Lack-Technik GmbH
Exhibitor: Toplac s.r.o.
Location: Hall E, No. st. 042

ABB RobotStudio software extension – Remote Laser Welding Pack
Product: ABB RobotStudio software extension – Remote Laser Welding Pack
Producer: ABB s.r.o
Exhibitor: ABB s.r.o

4-Axis Compact Laser Processing Workcell
Product: 4-Axis Compact Laser Processing Workcell
Producer: IPG Photonics Corporation
Exhibitor: IPG Photonics (Czech Republic) s.r.o.
Location: Hall B, No. st. 006

Hybrid Pumping Sytem
Product: Hybrid Pumping Sytem
Producer: Vysoké učení technické v Brně
Exhibitor: Vysoké učení technické v Brně
Location: Hall Z, No. st. 124

i4 SCARA robot line
Product: i4 SCARA robot line
Producer: Omron Adept Technologies Inc.
Exhibitor: Omron Electronics spol. s.r.o.
Location: Hall V, No. st. 165

Mobile stand for callborative robot
Product: Mobile stand for callborative robot
Producer: ZLÍN ROBOTICS s.r.o.
Exhibitor: ZLÍN ROBOTICS s.r.o.
Location: Hall C, No. st. 053

4dot diagnostic system for condition monitoring of forming machines
Product: 4dot diagnostic system for condition monitoring of forming machines
Producer: 4dot Mechatronic systems, s.r.o.
Exhibitor: 4dot Mechatronic systems, s.r.o.
Location: Hall B, No. st. 051

GalvanoPhoto - Technology for Relief Metal Structures Production
Product: GalvanoPhoto - Technology for Relief Metal Structures Production
Producer: Electroforming s.r.o.
Exhibitor: Electroforming s.r.o.
Location: Hall V, No. st. 021

Melt leakage detector
Product: Melt leakage detector
Producer: ELKOP Technik s.r.o.
Exhibitor: ELKOP Technik s.r.o.
Location: Hall G1, No. st. 078

CNC grinding machine Fenix SZK-3
Product: CNC grinding machine Fenix SZK-3
Producer: Fenix Machines SP. Z O.O.
Exhibitor: Fenix Machines SP. Z O.O.
Location: Hall Z, No. st. 016

Artificial intelligence in production - prediction of machine failures and tooling
Product: Artificial intelligence in production - prediction of machine failures and tooling
Producer: OptiSolutions s.r.o.
Exhibitor: OptiSolutions s.r.o.
Location: Hall C, No. st. 007

Product: ATOS 5
Producer: GOM GmbH
Exhibitor: MCAE Systems, s.r.o.
Location: Hall A1, No. st. 001

Stratasys J750
Product: Stratasys J750
Producer: Stratasys GmbH
Exhibitor: MCAE Systems, s.r.o.
Location: Hall A1, No. st. 001

Studio System
Product: Studio System
Producer: Desktop Metal Inc.
Exhibitor: MCAE Systems, s.r.o.
Location: Hall A1, No. st. 001

Rotary engine for use with compressible medium according to patent CZ
Product: Rotary engine for use with compressible medium according to patent CZ
Producer: MCAE Systems, s.r.o.
Exhibitor: MCAE Systems, s.r.o.
Location: Hall A1, No. st. 001

Thrust Spherical Roller Bearing 29412EJ NEW FORCE
Product: Thrust Spherical Roller Bearing 29412EJ NEW FORCE
Producer: ZKL Brno, a.s.
Exhibitor: ZKL Bearings CZ, akciová společnost
Location: Hall F, No. st. 073

Roller Burnishing Tool Superoll MAC
Product: Roller Burnishing Tool Superoll MAC
Producer: Sugino Machine Limited
Exhibitor: Sugino Machine Limited – Praha, odštěpný závod
Location: Hall P, No. st. 087A

Barriquan Robo
Product: Barriquan Robo
Producer: Sugino Machine Limited
Exhibitor: Sugino Machine Limited – Praha, odštěpný závod
Location: Hall P, No. st. 087A

Product: Ready2_spray
Producer: KUKA AG
Exhibitor: KUKA CEE GmbH, odštěpný závod
Location: Hall G1, No. st. 036

Interactive robotic workplace 4.0
Product: Interactive robotic workplace 4.0
Producer: Kinalisoft s.r.o.
Exhibitor: Kinalisoft s.r.o.
Location: Hall F, No. st. 097

Open RTLS (realtime locating services) platform integrated with UWB
Product: Open RTLS (realtime locating services) platform integrated with UWB
Producer: T-Industry, s.r.o.
Exhibitor: T-Industry, s.r.o.
Location: Hall A1, No. st. 031

Robocont - Milling
Product: Robocont - Milling
Producer: Mico Robotic s.r.o.
Exhibitor: Mico Robotic s.r.o.
Location: Hall Z, No. st. 108

Welding Helmet - Model:EH-0996/EF10194
Product: Welding Helmet - Model:EH-0996/EF10194
Location: Hall G, No. st. 031

Koyama Automatic grinding machine
Product: Koyama Automatic grinding machine
Producer: Koyama Co., Ltd.
Exhibitor: Laempe + Panáčková s.r.o.
Location: Hall Z, No. st. 025

Stud welder SOYER BMK-12i
Product: Stud welder SOYER BMK-12i
Producer: Heinz Soyer Bolzenschweißtechnik GmbH
Exhibitor: Heinz Soyer Bolzenschweißtechnik GmbH
Location: Hall V, No. st. 131

Vertical double spindle turning center EMAG VL3DUO
Product: Vertical double spindle turning center EMAG VL3DUO
Producer: EMAG Salach GmbH
Exhibitor: CZ Tech Čelákovice a.s.
Location: Hall P, No. st. 120

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