19.-21.5. 2015
Mezinárodní veletrh obranné a bezpečnostní techniky
Michael Lotas
General Dynamics
Chief Cyber Security Architect
Director International Services
Executive Summary
- Mr. Lotas has over 20 years of relevant professional experience in both digital and physical security
- Core focus areas include Security Engineering, Incident Response, Digital Forensics, CERT/SOC operations, national level strategic cyber planning
Prior Experience
- Chief Security Architect for General Dynamics Fidelis
- Regional Director International Business
- Multi-Level Security Architect
- Cyber Warfare in commercial and government spaces
- U.S. Army Special Forces – 18C and 18D qualified
- BS Computer Science – Park University, Missouri, USA
Languages: English
Relevant Assignments
General Dynamics Fidelis Experience:
- Lead Security Engineer on over 12 major incidents including TJX, RBS and Hannaford.
- Senior Security Architect on a 200 million dollar program - designed multi-level, trusted solutions that were so advanced the designs were later adopted on other programs as the baseline architecture.
- Lead Systems Integrator and architect for a DoD CERT organization. While working on this program, Mr. Lotas directly saved the customer over 10 million dollars per year through efficient design and implementation.
- Created and implemented the GD Incident Response Model, the GD Defense in Depth Program, GD Cyber Security training for Incident Responders
- Lead Security Engineer and Architect for several commercially available products including the Fidelis CyberSOC – first commercially available portable, SOC and Incident Response Platform. Other programs include Digital Mainspring, the GD Managed Services SOC
- General Dynamics Fidelis Regional Director for International Services. Responsible for all international services projects, business development, partnerships and long term strategic planning
- Several years of additional experience that is either classified or protected by attorney-client privilege.
- Some representative examples of relevant experience includes:
Technical Lead for containment and remediation on largest commercial intrusion in U.S. history and provided technical support to the Containment lead and guidance for other network security engineers; member of Audit team providing guidance and technical expertise to corporate senior management and the Board of Directors.
Forensic lead for three out of five investigations on the largest commercial intrusion in U.S. history: lead the 10 person team doing the UK forensic investigation; provided onsite forensic support to the UK, Canada and U.S.