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14.-18.9. 2015

Mezinárodní strojírenský veletrh

Parallel kinematic machining head ''Sprint Z3'' for machining aluminum structural parts


Exponát: Parallel kinematic machining head ''Sprint Z3'' for machining aluminum structural parts
Gold Medal for technology and engineering of conventional and non-conven
Umístění: Pav. P,  č. st. 47
Výrobce: Starrag Group - Dörries Scharmann Technologie GmbH
Vystavovatel: Starrag Group - Dörries Scharmann Technologie GmbH

Stručná charakteristika exponátu

The use of a parallel kinematic machining head enables the ECOSPEED F HT machine to produce structural aluminum parts faster than every other existing machining concept. This is possible due to the much lower masses that have to move for machining complex 5-axis machining parts. For the shown workpiece the production time of the benchmarking competition machine was reduced from 80 minutes to just 46 minutes which generates a jump in productivity of 42.5%.



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