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Stainless 2017 - fischer Edelstahlrohre GmbH


Dear Mrs. Žvanutová, 
we want to give you our feedback about the Stainless Exhibition 2017!

When we asked you for more general details for participating on the exhibition, you sent uns an attractive proposal for an stand model. This includes directly our company colors and various pictures from our website. This convinced us to order the premium booth and be an exhibitor at the fair! 
Cooperation with you preparing the fair as well as during the ongoing exhibition was perfect and we have been very satisfied with your engagement.

Thanks a lot for your good job - we will see each other on next Stainless 2019 again as an exhibitor!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards

ppa. Manfred Seewald
Sales Director Industry & Trade

fischer Edelstahlrohre GmbH
fischer Rohrtechnik GmbH


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